The following introduction to
the article was given:
"The Editorial Services staff has compiled here, for the first time in any of the Church's publications, 18 essential, basic truths that God restored to His Church through our late Pastor General
Herbert W. Armstrong.
"As you prepare spiritually for the coming Feast of Tabernacles? Please spend time with this important article, reviewing each of the 18 truths and thanking God for restoring them to His Church."
- Pastor General
Joseph W. Tkach
How much do you value God’s truth?
Do you daily give God thanks for your calling
and the knowledge of His ways?
Can it be said of you, as the apostle Paul said of the Thessalonians: "But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because god hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth" (II Thessalonians 2:13)?
The apostle Peter exhorted: "His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue . . . Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall" (II Peter 1:3,10).
In his last book, Mystery of the Ages, the late Herbert W. Armstrong wrote: "This Church, until after the year of 1933, had lost many . . . vital truths. At least 18 basic and essential truths have been restored to the true church since that year" (page 251, hardcover edition).*
Mr. Armstrong listed some of these truths in a sermon December 17, 1983. He listed a few others and enumerated them when he spoke to the Ministerial Refreshing Program May 2, 1984.
It’s good to review this list to better appreciate how much we have benefited from what God restored through Mr. Armstrong.
These points are listed basically in the words Mr. Armstrong used when he spoke to the Ministerial Refreshing Program.
Jesus said, "Elias [Elijah] truly shall first come, and restore all things" (Matthew 17:11). Jesus was referring to something that was to happen in the future. John the Baptist had already come, and Jesus didn't even begin His ministry until John had been put in prison. John didn't restore anything. Jesus was referring to another man, not John.
Shortly before the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord, someone would come in the spirit and power of Elijah, in the spirit and power of John the Baptist, and would restore all things to the Church. Now, what has been restored to the Church?
[This article continues, with a listing of the points of what God restored through Mr. Armstrong, in the next column to the right. Above right column immediately following the article's heading, is a summary listing of the 18 truths -- followed by the complete text of each listing from the article.
[PLEASE NOTE: that the text of the truths throughout this publication that appear in black, blue or green is part of the actual text from the WWN 18 Truths’ article. Purple text represents this editor's comments. See ** below.
Loma Armstrong sits quietly by the side of Herbert Armstrong in the old library building studio of the former Radio Church of God
*The complete text of the book,
The Mystery of the Ages, by Herbert W. Armstrong,
is available on a CD entitled HWA Compendium
that is being distributed worldwide by a remnant of faithful brethren of the body of Jesus Christ.
Brethren from many countries worldwide are duplicating this priceless CD and they are distributing it free of charge in much the same way that God gave us these wonderful truths.
God delivered and has freely given us these essential, precious and vital truth by Jesus Christ through a mighty door He opened to us through the human arms of Herbert W. Armstrong in this Philadephia era. Shall we not, as the body of Jesus Christ, continue the Philadelphia effort of brotherly love and help the proliferation and continue the careful review and study of these revealed truths through the power to disseminate them that God gives us through His Holy Spirit.
[This publisher may be able to help you find a source for obtaining your own free and personal-study copy of the HWA Compendium on CD.
Send your request for this priceless CD via the link that you will find below. This editor will try to pass along your name and address to a brother of the faithful remnant who can help you receive one free of charge. Yours to further distribute freely.
(If you know of a publication of these works in other languages, please pass that information on to this editor as there are people in other countries desirable of the literature in this format and forum who do not speak English.) Be sure to include both your e-mail and UPS street delivery address on all such requests.] You will find the address below.
The information below* describes how you may be able to freely receive your own copy of the
HWA Compendium CD 1 (and volumes 2 and 3
-- with more radio broadcasts, etc. --
are being prepared as you read this).
** PLEASE NOTE: that the text of the truths throughout this publication that appear in black, blue or green is part of the actual text from the WWN 18 Truths’ article.
Blue represents a link in the future web site version of this article linking to a cited verse of Scripture or other reference. Green represents text that, for whatever reason, was left out, inadvertently or otherwise, of the Truth18 file as it appears, at the time of this publication.
The Truth18.file is part of a CD full of Mr. Armstrong's works entitled HWA Compendium CD 1; however, the Truth18.file that is on that CD which has been massively distributed worldwide contains an edited version of this original article on the 18 Essential, Vital Truths.
On the original HWA Compendium CD 1 from Missouri that has been widely circulated worldwide, the 18 Truths' article was edited so that certain parts were left out and other wording was added. That article version has been widely distributed worldwide as a directory and file on the original CD known as the HWA Compendium 1 CD 20001210, BA\Truth18.htm.
The bronze color for the text herein represents comments added by the HWA Compendium 1 CD editor to the CD version of the article, which comments are not part of the original WWN 18 Truths’ article.
Purple text herein represents comments, such as here, that this web site editor has added -- or verses of Scripture added by this editor that support the text of the article.
Again, The green text throughout this publication is part of the original WWN 18 Truths’ article (but which text was either deleted from or inadvertently left out of the text for the article appearing in the HWA Compendium 1 CD).
The referenced HWA Compendium on CD quoted from throughout this publication of this article, contains most of the various articles written throughout the years by Herbert W. Armstrong and others. The CD also includes the full text of all of HWA’s major books, many of his booklets, and other literature in full text.
The CD – published worldwide, and at various times, by many different members of the scattered body of Jesus Christ who earnestly contend for the faith originally delivered to the early saints – includes the full text of both the early 58-volume edition and the later printed 24-volume edition of the Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course.
The FREE CD also includes several hundred hours of audio from the radio and television broadcasts of The WORLD TOMORROW program. It includes the audio of many complete sermons that Mr. Armstrong and others gave during various annual Holy Day observances over a period of many years and of other special sermons given in Bible Study or on a weekly Holy Sabbath day. And, it includes many surprise bonuses.
The HWA Compendium on CD has been widely distributed FREE OF CHARGE and is available from several sources in Pasadena, California, and from Alabama, Missouri and from many other locations throughout the United States and Canada and overseas.
The HWA Compendium CD 1 has also been available by private duplication from those who – compelled by a famine of the preaching of the Word – now hunger and thirst for these truths in greater detail, and who duplicate these CDs for distribution, without charge, day and night from several sources inside of Britain and from other locations in Europe , and from sources in Africa, Central and South America and the Middle East – (the CD is currently known to be available only in the English language).
***[NOTE: Many organizations existing today that use, exclusively, or in some form, the name of the "Church of God," claim to teach all or most of the truths numbered two through eighteen appearing in the right column.
Some even assert that their leader is now the one through whom God is working His government on this earth; yet, God has not passed His government on to any of the many organizations competing for that title.
Is a right understanding of this essential truth vital to your life? Could it effect your entry into the Kingdom by the First Resurrection or could it cause you to be left behind during the tribulation?
This editor believes that your future is very much at stake in regard to how you understand this vital truth of the government of God. A short article on the subject of how God raised up the Philadelphia era through Herbert W. Armstrong is available by clicking on the following link:
Many are in great confusion regarding this subject. Some have blindly trusted one or another former minister who the place where God planted them to start this or that so-called COG. Read what God says about all that in the short article by clicking on the above link.
Your future may now desperately depend upon a correct understanding on this subject of the Government of God. Many organizations that claim to be teaching and keeping these essential, very vital, 18 truths -- have never gotten past first base.
Every splinter group has missed the mark in regard to truth number one. God has not, yet, moved His Government, in embryo stage though it is, from WCG.
You can prove this for yourself by reading the essential truth in the short article by clicking the ARTICLE link that you will find below.
Ask yourself, can all these different church organizations with different leaders all claiming they are God's Church (some named form of the "Church of God") when God says He will build His Church (one church) through Jesus Christ.
Yes, God may work with other sheep for a time; but He clearly says that He will bring them into one fold, "…there shall be one fold, and one shepherd" (John 10:16b). In John 10, the architect and spiritual head of God's [one] Church, Jesus Christ, also warns us thus, " Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. "
If you do not read the article, at lease consider the information that God gives us through the original apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:19. He clearly tells us -- with no confusion nor misunderstanding about it -- that He allows and uses "heresies … among us" to make evident ['manifest' in KJV] "they which are approved" of God.
Did God leave us without advance warning of this! No! Did not God inspired HWA to ask us to expressly write out a verse of Scripture in our own handwriting in response to a related question in lesson number 51 of the 58-volume Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course. In it, God tells us that He would allow heresies to come among us and to stay put until He deals with it?
Therefore, if you are in a splinter group, what are you doing there? We used to ask, "Why Are You Here?" To some we must ask, why are you not here? Why are you there? Are you fond of the idea of being there during the tribulation?
Why are you listening to a rebellious, self-appointed minister who obviously was remiss in studying the wealth of material God put at our disposal to enable our abilities to discern and know what to do when "heresies" proliferate "among us."
God can and will provide a "ram caught in a thicket by his horns" (Genesis 22:13) for those of us who are faithful to the test of internal persecution as God did for Abrahm and Issac in their test of obedience to the voice of God. If Abraham had failed the first test, would God have given him a tougher make-up test later? Maybe so.
If you have jumped ship and do not return timely, is God preparing a make-up test for you if you want it? Try tribulation. Great tribulation -- "such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." (Matthew 24:21)
Now you know a little of what God is doing. "For verily, when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulation; even as it came to pass, and ye know." (1 Thessalonians 3:4)
If you want to know more about it, check out the information soon to be available available on the link below. Or, write to this editor at
Read and study this short article for the peace and safety of your immediate future:
Click this link when you are ready for the truth:
HERBERT AND LOMA ARMSTRONG -- In the early 1930s, God began to use the Armstrongs to restore 18 essential truths to His Church. Could we, today, lose sight of them?
Enumerated Summary of
Restored Truths
(The full text of each truth as it appears in the WWN article is provided below this summary)
"At least 18 basic and essential truths have been restored..." MOA, by HWA, p. 251*
(1) The Government of God ...
(2) The Gospel of the Kingdom of God ...
(3) The Purpose of God, ...
(4) Who and what is God? ....
(Who was the God of the OT? Family vs. Trinity?
Is the Holy Spirit a person? Was Man Born to Sin?)
(5) What is man?...
(Do we have an Immortal Soul? Is man just an Animal? What Happens at Death?)
(6) The Human Spirit in Man ...
(7) The Church is Only the Firstfruits, ...
(8) The Church is Not Yet the Kingdom of God, ...
(9) Only Those Whom God the Father Calls and Draws to Him Can Be Converted Now ...
(10) The Resurrection to Judgment, ...
(11) The Millennium ...
(12) The Holy Spirit Coming Into Us
Only Begets Us ...
(13) We Are Only Begotten Now,
Not Born Again ...
(14) The Identity of Modern Israel ...
(15) Prophecy Can Be Understood Only If You Know That US & BC are Israelites, ...
(16) The Annual Festivals, the feast days ...
(17) The Authority of the Sacred Calendar, Preserved by the Jews ...
(18) Second and Third Tithe ...
"(1) The Government of God.
When Christ comes, He will restore God's government to the whole earth. So you can be sure the one to come in the spirit and power of Elijah would restore God's government in His Church. When Mr. And Mrs. Armstrong came among the Oregon Conference era of the Church of God (Seventh Day), the church had the right name, the law, the Sabbath and the tithing system. But they also had a government of men, with a biannual conference, voting just like they do in the world.
"Today, the government of God has been restored to His Church. That's the kind of government you find in Ephesians 4 and I Corinthians 12."
[See special note regarding this truth at left ***.]
"(2) The Gospel of the Kingdom of God
has been restored after 1,900 years.
"The Church of God (Seventh Day) did not have a clear understanding of the Gospel; they emphasized what they called a "third angel's message...."
Above left is a copy of a letter by Church of God (Seventh Day) leader A. N. Dugger making reference to their "Third Angel's Message." The letter is dated February 26, 1929, and it is referred to by Mr. Armstrong as being "an important prophetic letter." In the letter to Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Dugger said, "I feel that we are entering into a new era...." (Emphasis added.) Mr. Dugger, leader of the Sardis era, also said he felt that, "...the message ... is going to take on new life." (Emphasis added.)
Above right, is a picture of the second ordination certificate issued to Herbert W. Armstrong in 1932. It was then custom to renew the certificates annually. The document is signed by O. J. Runcorn, husband of the woman who first enlightened Loma Armstrong about the Sabbath day.
(Reproductions of the above documents also appear in the Autobiography of HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Volume 1, between pages 376-377, and pages 504-505, respectively.
[HWA Compendium 1 CD 20001210, BA\Truth18.htm, says: "Mr. Armstrong often said that the True Gospel was given to The Church which started at Pentecost 31 AD. That Gospel then began to be changed into a false gospel by the end of the first century." God began restoring that True Gospel exactly 19 centuries later when Herbert W. Armstrong was ordained a minister in 1931 AD, on or near Pentecost.]
"(3) The Purpose of God,
that we are to be born of God and become God. God is reproducing Himself, and no other church on earth knows that or preaches it. As a counterfeit they talk about being already born again. Christ is the firstborn of many brethren. Has anyone else been born again by a resurrection for the dead like He was?" {Acts 2:34}
[HWA Compendium 1 CD 20001210, BA\Truth18.htm, an editor of the HWA Compendium CD asks and answers a question here: "What other church on earth has taught that God is a Divine Family and the plan of God is to reproduce Himself through Divine Children, Christ being the first? Absolutely none! ... Satan hates this ... and has deceived the whole world into believing that God is a closed trinity."]
"(4) Who and What is God?
The Jews think that God is one person. Many people mistakenly think that God the Father is the God of the Old Testament and then Christ came as His Son. Traditional Christianity believes in the trinity, that the Holy Spirit is a person.
God is neither one person nor a trinity. God is a family into which we may be born and also become God. His Spirit witnesses with our spirit that we are the begotten children of God {Romans 8:16, 1 Peter 1:3}. And when we are born of God we will not even be able to sin {1 John 3:9, 5:18}."
[HWA Compendium 1 CD 20001210, BA\Truth18.htm, an editor of the HWA Compendium CD volume 1 comments here that: "Mr. Armstrong taught that God is a Divine Family. God is the Father who begets us to ultimately be born into that Divine Family – just as Jesus Christ was declared {to be} 'the Son of God . . . by the resurrection {Gr., anastasis ... "a resurrection"} from the dead' {Rom. 1:4} and is the "firstborn among many brethren" {Rom. 8:29}.]
"(5) What is Man?
Do we have an immortal soul? Or are we just an animal? What happens at death? The dead are unconscious and they don’t know anything. The Church of God (Seventh Day) people understood some of what happens at death, but not fully. They believed that man did not have a spirit. That’s been explained more fully now."
[HWA Compendium 1 CD 20001210, BA\Truth18.htm, an editor of the HWA Compendium CD volume 1 comments here that:: "Herbert W. Armstrong would often ask the challenging questions: 'Why are you here? What is the purpose of human existence?' ..."]
"(6) The Human Spirit in Man.
What makes the difference between a human mind and an animal brain is that there is a human spirit with the human brain. That spirit is not the conscious part of the man. And it needs to be united with the Spirit of God."
[HWA Compendium 1 CD 20001210, BA\Truth18.htm, an editor of the HWA Compendium CD volume 1 comments here that:
"Mr. Armstrong came to see that there is a "spirit in man" (Job 32:8), not an immortal soul, but a human spirit which is beyond the physical brain and elevates man far above animals. This spirit needs to be united with the Spirit of God. That human spirit returns to God after death (Eccl. 12:7). The Church of God never understood this until Mr. Armstrong."]
"(7) The Church is Only the Firstfruits,
and not the end of god's plan of salvation. God isn't trying to save the whole world yet. It starts with us, and we're being taught and trained so that we, under Christ, will be the teachers and rulers when Christ comes to rule in the Millennium, when He starts to save the rest of the world.
"We have the great opportunity of being made God and, in the future, to rule over others and teach them and help them be converted so they can become children of God, also. And those who are converted during the Millennium will, with us, be kings, priest and teachers for the rest of the world that will be resurrected after the end of the Millennium."
[HWA Compendium 1 CD 20001210, BA\Truth18.htm, an editor of the HWA Compendium CD volume 1 comments here that: "Mr. Armstrong taught that God is not trying to save the world now. This set him at odds against traditional Christianity which thinks that God is trying desperately to save as many as possible. The Church of God lost sight of this over the centuries until it was clearly restored...."]
"(8) The Church is Not Yet the Kingdom of God,
but we are the embryo that will become the Kingdom of God."
[HWA Compendium 1 CD 20001210, BA\Truth18.htm, an editor of the HWA Compendium CD volume 1 comments here that: "The false gospel taught that the church on earth is the Kingdom of God. Mr. Armstrong clearly saw that the coming literal Kingdom of God is the message Christ brought from The Father, and that the Church of God today is only the embryo of that Kingdom."]
"9. Only Those Whom God the Father Calls and Draws to Him Can Be Converted Now.
No other church knows that or believes it. That's another truth restored to the Church through Mr. Armstrong. None of us had ever heard that before, except as we got it through Mr. Armstrong. Only those God chooses and calls now can come in and become part of the firstfruits. Satan has deceived the whole world, and the Church is called out of that world."
"10. The Resurrection to Judgment,
the Great White Throne Judgment. God has a plan to save those who have not had an opportunity for salvation and who are now dead in their graves. They have not had the Holy Spirit. Their time is coming. But our time comes first, and we have to fight the devil, and they won't.
"In the judgment, they'll be found guilty and condemned to death. They'll have their first chance to know that Christ came and paid the death penalty for them. They'll be allowed to accept that payment, and they'll have 100 years to prove they want to live differently than they did in their first life. They can be saved at last."
[HWA Compendium 1 CD 20001210, BA\Truth18.htm, an editor of the HWA Compendium CD volume 1 comments here that: "This is when God will "save the world". Herbert W. Armstrong clearly saw that there are three resurrections mentioned in scripture. The Great White Throne Judgment is the time when all who have ever lived will be given the opportunity to become members of the God Family, just as the Church is given the opportunity in advance."]
"(11) The Millennium.
The Kingdom of God will rule nations on earth, and Christ and the saints will rule and bring prosperity to the entire earth. The Church of God (Seventh God) understood the time duration, but, because they did not adequately grasp the full meaning of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, they knew little in the 1930s of what the Millennium would be like. Salvation will be open to all for the first time since Adam sinned and God closed the tree of life."
[HWA Compendium 1 CD 20001210, BA\Truth18.htm, an editor of the HWA Compendium CD volume 1 comments here that: "The Church of God in the 1930s knew that Christ would be returning to set up His Kingdom, but little about what that Millennium would be like. The Government of God will be restored over the whole earth and the Tree of Life would be open to all for the first time since the time of Adam. The firstfruits will reign with Christ as kings and priests--teachers and rulers."]
"(12) The Holy Spirit Coming Into Us Only Begets Us.
It opens our minds so we can understand the coded book, the Bible. Eye has not seen nor ear heard the things God has in store for us, described briefly in the Bible. God does reveal them to His church by His Spirit that resides in us. Without that Spirit we cannot understand the Bible. Spiritual knowledge comes from the Bible, but by the Holy Spirit."
[HWA Compendium 1 CD 20001210, BA\Truth18.htm, an editor of the HWA Compendium CD volume 1 comments here that: "The Bible is a coded book, said Mr. Armstrong, which can only be unlocked by the Spirit of God. We can only come to really know God through the Holy Spirit, and we must grow in character and understanding after this begettal until our birth into the Family of God."]
"(13) We Are Only Begotten Now, Not Born Again.
We are heirs, not yet inheritors. The Holy Spirit begets us as children of God, but we are not yet born."
[HWA Compendium 1 CD 20001210, BA\Truth18.htm: In the text of the CD on this ariticel an editing error was made where the text reads: "We are not yet heirs, only inheritors" but fortunately the editor there cites Romans. 8:17 immediately after the, apparently honest, misstatement. Romans 8:17 very clearly states: "And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." The editor there is correct where he goes on as follows: "The Holy Spirit only begets us and we are not yet born into that Family. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom (John 3:5-6)." (Always be a Berean! Armstrongism, correctly defined might mean, among other good things to believe or do, "Blow the dust off our Bibles!")]
"(14) The Identity of Modern Israel.
What are America's roots, our national identity? We are Manasseh, one of the lost 10 tribes of Israel. Numerous other groups have some knowledge of this truth, but no major denomination does. The Church of God (Seventh Day) officially rejected this truth. Mr. Armstrong wrote up the proof in an article and sent it to the leader of that church. You'll find a copy of the leader's letter in response in Mr. Armstrong's autobiography."
@@Insert letter from Autobiography here.
[HWA Compendium 1 CD 20001210, BA\Truth18.htm, says: "God's Church in the 1930s officially rejected this truth, when Mr. Armstrong brought it to the leadership's attention. Again today it is being rejected. Mr. Armstrong clearly saw from the Bible that the descendants of Israel were to receive the birthright promises, and the English-speaking peoples are the descendants of Joseph's two sons."]
"(15) Prophesy Can Be Understood Only If You Know That We are the Israelites,
and what prophecies apply to us and which do not. Others who do not know Israel's identity can't understand, for example, the 30th chapter of Jeremiah and scriptures like that, which show the Great Tribulation will be the time of Jacob's trouble."
[HWA Compendium 1 CD 20001210, BA\Truth18.htm, an editor of the HWA Compendium CD volume 1 comments here that: "Mr. Armstrong had a clear picture of which prophesies apply to us today, since he saw clearly who the descendants of Israel are. As well as proclaiming the Gospel, he preached the Ezekiel warning (Ez. 33), which was meant for the descendants of Israel at the end time. The Great Tribulation will be the time of "Jacob's trouble" (Jer. 30:7). Those who are following in the footsteps of Mr. Armstrong today are also preaching the Gospel and giving the Ezekiel warning."]
"(16) The Annual Festivals [Holy Days],
the feast days. What other church knows about them or keeps them? Where did you hear it from? God revealed it to Mr. Armstrong.
For seven years he and his wife kept the annual Holy Days alone. And for seven more years they kept God’s Holy Days with the Church is Eugene, Ore., before God revealed their meaning.
It was not until the end of World War II in 1945 that they began to see that we have to get away from our homes for the Feast of Tabernacles. These Holy Days picture the seven major events in God's plan of salvation. How many of us would have kept God's days for 14 years without fully understanding their meaning?
For a calendar of the Holy Days for the coming year, click on the link below. This calendar includes the local sunset times for the annual Holy Days and the regular weekly Sabbaths.
[HWA Compendium 1 CD 20001210, BA\Truth18.htm, an editor of the HWA Compendium CD volume 1 comments here that: "What other church prior to Mr. Armstrong understood the annual Feast Days, much less kept them? The plan of God as shown through the Holy Days were revealed to the Church of God only through Herbert W. Armstrong. He and Loma kept them alone for 7 years because they saw it was commanded. It wasn't until after 14 years that the actual meaning of the days were understood by him. The Holy Days picture God's plan for mankind depicted through seven major events. One of the greatest blessings ever to come on God's Church was the knowledge of His Holy Days. All those who keep the Feast Days today, do so because God revealed it through His servant Herbert W. Armstrong."]
"(17) The Authority of the Sacred Calendar Preserved by the Jews.
Before Mr. Armstrong revealed this to the Church of God (Seventh Day), they were confused as to when the year should begin. Mr. Armstrong also made clear the importance of the Jews' preservation of the weekly cycle."
[HWA Compendium 1 CD 20001210, BA\Truth18.htm, an editor of the HWA Compendium CD volume 1 comments here that: "The Church of God in the 1930s was confused as to when the year should begin. People are still confused today over the calendar. Mr. Armstrong saw the importance of the Jews' preservation of the weekly and yearly calendar."]
For a calendar of the Holy Days for the coming year, click on the link below. This calendar includes the local sunset times for the annual Holy Days and the regular weekly Sabbaths.
"(18) Second and Third Tithe.
What other church knows these points? The second tithe is for God's feast days. Other churches do not keep the feasts, so they have no reason to have second tithe. Third tithe is for the needy, primarily within God's Church."
Read Revelation 19:7. It's about time to be glad and rejoice, because the time is coming when the Bride will have made herself ready, and the time of Christ is at hand. The Bride, as a whole, will be ready, but not necessarily everyone in it. That depends on each individual.
Where would we be without these truths? Without them -- without Herbert W. Armstrong's legacy of these 18 restored truths -- there isn't much left. |